Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Don't tell my girlfriend: I'm in love with my DVR

Sure, sure, as with most subject matter I write about on this blog, it's not exactly fresh. Sorry to be tardy to the party. But I just cannot deny it anymore... I love my DVR.

Yes, it's true I've only had the thing for less than a month, but it makes no difference. It was love at first recording. It does help having more channels than I previously had to choose from, but I'd love my DVR even without them.

This is my first successful acquisition of a DVR, but not my first attempt. Two Christmases ago I was slated to get a TiVo from my aforementioned girlfriend. Things fell through and I got a poker table instead. I love that table, and it's a good thing I didn't get a TiVo. Now with an HDTV to go with my box, and my new channels... I'm in heaven. (And my Cable bill is lower? .....only in America.)

Back on the stone age if you had two things on you wanted to watch, you either had to tape one or go half fulfilled (unless you were some nerd with a multi-VCR setup... then God help you). Now with my DVR, I can tape things, without having to manually set every recording... and it's tape-less! My goodness!

That's not even the best part. I can stockpile my obscure shows for the lull on weekend afternoons while I slug through homework... that's more Rocko's Modern Life, Grounded for Life, The Riches, The OC, and South Park than one human is meant to enjoy. And enjoy it I do. And if something I want is on HBO (also new to the family) but I don't want to stay up until 4am watching it, tape-a-roo. Voila!

I sound like a schoolgirl talking about my DVR. And I don't care.

Dear diary,

I'm sure everyone waits for this moment in their life.... but... but... (take a deep breath) I think I'm in love. No, I KNOW I'm in love! I can't believe it, diary, it's happening to me!

His name is Motorola DCH3416. And he's everything I want in a DVR. He's not just any DVR, he's an HD-DVR. He can record two shows at once, and knows everything I like (after I told him of course). He's so dreamy

Best regards,


PS: Don't tell my little brother.

I don't even have a little brother.

But seriously... this is wonderful.

On a more serious note... I believe this not just because of my personal shows that I love. I think that this, along with On Demand, is the future of television. I mean, it's already starting to happen. No longer will it be "this place, this time" to watch shows. Once a show is "released," it will be available forever to download and view at your leisure.

I mean... that's the case for some people right now anyway... though the legality of that is a hot topic. I won't get into that right now and the COUNTLESS reasons why it should be legal for free TV to be free to download... but it will be the norm in about a decade, I believe.

Until then... let the lovefest continue.


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